
Personal Development

Fun, Learning and Personal Development

Here, you will find a collection of personal projects, concepts, ideas, and experiments created purely for the love of design and to keep my skills sharp. Even though many of these concepts will never be used out in the wild, I thoroughly enjoyed creating them all and feel I learned something from every project, so I think that’s worth sharing.

Bright Ideas Magazine

In an era dominated by digital media, this design project aims to revitalize the appeal of print magazines, offering a tangible and immersive reading experience that entices people to choose physical copies over their digital counterparts.

Illustration Experiments

A collection of illustrations in various styles. Learning new illustration techniques and methods is a favourite hobby of mine.

24hr Branding Challenge - Union Restaurant

I set myself the goal of re-branding a local restaurant in my home city of Toronto, setting a time limit of 24 hours to see what I could come up with. The restaurant I chose was a French-themed, high-end restaurant based in a fashionable part of the city. I wanted the brand to communicate a more youthful appeal since this would be the primary target audience in this particular part of the city.